Low minimums and Great prices with pearl Nano coating
We have produced a line of ceramic auto body Nano coating products that are non-solvent, easy to use, smells nice, cures fast, that are super glossy and super hydrophobic, plus we sell it at 1/2 to 1/4 the price of the top competitors. For Interested Distributors and Dealers please Email Dave: Dave@PearlUSA.net or Call: 808 779-7163. and Pearl Nano coatings is now offering distributorships and territories.
How does it work?
Because the Pearl Nano Coating Autobody formula contains both hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties, it’s application to vehicle paintwork will give you that “super hydrophobic” visual effect, along with superior scratch and abrasion resistance. Pearl Nano Base and Pro are both designed to provide protection and gloss that will surpass even the most particular clients expectations. The Pearl Nano Coating formulation will attract water (hydrophilic) and encapsulate dust or other debris and then the hydrophobic portion will repel the combined dirt and water from the car thereby making it self-cleaning.
How to Become International Distributor/Installer?
— Contact Us:
— Tel: 866 285-1051 Toll free
E-mail: Dave [@] PearlUSA.net
Pearl USA Inquires: The Pearl USA Website
International Inquires: The Pearl International Website
— Ask about a Sample Pack and Price List
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