Monday, January 29, 2018

BMW M3 Received Pearl Nano Ceramic Coating - Jose Colon

BMW M3 received Pearl Nano Ceramic Coating 

Performed by Aredam Custom Detailing 
Pearl Nano Certified Installer -San Juan, Puerto Rico
Follow Aredam Custom Detailing on IG @

Pearl Nano Ceramic Coatings @Pearlnano

Connecting Detailers Worldwide at
Pearl Nano Detail Supply Products, including the new Ceramic

Waterless Car Wash Car Care products can be imported in bulk and private 
labeled, with the color and scent of your choice.

#pearlnano #ceramiccoating #paintprotection #superhydrophobiccoating 
#bmw #m4 #comp #exotic #supercar #detailing #puertorico
#AredamCustomDetailing #puertorico

Super-Hydrophobic Nanotechnology - Scratch Resistant Nano Coatings & Innovative Detailing Products - Wholesale & Private Label Options Available

Pearl Nano Hydrophobic Nano & Ceramic Coatings are a 3rd Generation line of coatings that rival the top competitors. Dare to be Different! 
We offer better products, lower prices, more options, sales & marketing training and much more. Our goal is to help you succeed. 
NEW Pearl Nano Detail Supply Products! The Pearl Nano Perfection Product Line – Ceramic Waterless Car Wash, Decon Coating Prep Spray, Max Detail Spray, Tire Gel, Water Spot Remover, Metal X (iron remover), Super Blue Foam Cannon SiO2 Soap and much more. Click Here For More Info about the Pearl Nano Coatings and Detail Supplies.CALLING ALL
NEED TO FIND A PROFESSIONAL DETAILER or PEARL NANO CERTIFIED INSTALLER? Contact us and one will contact you right back!


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